Carolyn was not my primary teacher, Brugh was. But during Brugh's illness and passing, she became my next primary teacher. She had a down-to-earthness and accessibility Brugh didn't have and I found her easy to love.
When she left the Anahata women's group, I was shocked. It was many years later that I realized she gave me permission to do the same and for that I am grateful.
I regret I didn't try to reconnect with her this past year when I returned from Athens to LA. My focus is now on returning to Greece and for that reason I cannot attend her memorial at Asilomar.
Somehow I feel she's OK with all of this. She too was a free spirit and let her heart lead her. Our hearts have never been far apart, no matter where we travel.
My best to you, sweet Carolyn.
Who knows–you may run into her in Greece! I know she is excited to travel again. Thank you for this beautiful reflection, Susan 💛