
Carolyn Conger PhD
Mentor and Guide
Carolyn Conger, PhD., was a teacher who conducted seminars internationally on
psychological growth, healing, dream work, intuition, creativity, and spirituality. She
lived with tribal societies throughout the world, studying their healing and metaphysical
arts. From her research in psycho-immunology and human energy fields, she also taught
mind/body techniques for optimum health. Her doctorate is in clinical psychology.

Wm. Coke Harrell MD
Meditation Teacher
Dr. Harrell's interest in creating a bridge between conventional and alternative medical treatments has led Dr. Harrell to develop ongoing research and treatment programs to respond to the needs and interests of an increasingly sophisticated and informed patient population. His focus includes new integrative treatment approaches to cancer, nutrition, preventive medicine, and mind/body therapies such as medical hypnotherapy and energy medicine, as well as other modalities
of complementary medicine. Also, Dr. Harrell conducts educational Wellness lectures and
seminars, and is well known for his ability to clearly explain complex medical/scientific
concepts to the layperson.
Dr. William Harrell received his M.D. degree in 1987 from the University of Southern California.
He completed his internship and residency in Internal Medicine as well at USC, and has been
in private practice in Santa Monica since 1990, where he is affiliated with St. John’s Hospital.

Brandon Lees NASM
Physical Trainer and Educator
Brandon Lees is a fitness instructor, based out of Santa Monica, California, who designs exercise and nutritional programs for those interested in improving their health and physical condition.
He has studied various modalities of exercise both traditional and revolutionary, to overcome
the harm of our “fast food society.” His personalized programs help individuals reach their goals
both efficiently and effectively. Brandon has instructed a variety of populations to help increase
their physical fitness, ranging from beginners learning how to exercise, to those seeking weight loss, to athletes wanting to improve their performance. He also has a background in physical therapy, which enables him to work with the physically disabled and individuals seeking rehabilitation from old or new injuries.
He hold a B.Sc. in Kinesiology and is certified by N.A.S.M. (National Academy of
Sport Medicine), NCCPT (National Council of Certified Personal Trainers), and is
also a certified Z Health trainer.

Kim Calder PhD
Teacher and Creative Project Specialist
For more than fifteen years, Kim Calder has taught creative writing, literature, and critical theory
at universities such as UCLA and University of Maryland, as well as independent workshops
for organizations including CalArts and Conger Seminars. As an editor, they have prepared manuscripts for publishers including semiotext(e), Nightboat Books, New York University Press,
and Oxford University Press. Their current seminar and workshop offerings focus on experimental processes of “life-writing,” and they have assisted many writers and artists in completing manuscripts and other projects.
They hold a PhD in English from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an MFA in Poetry from the University of Maryland, College Park. Their work has appeared in publications like The Believer, The Los Angeles Review of Books/LARB Quarterly, ASAP/Journal, Jacket2, Unsaid Literary Journal, and Berkeley Poetry Review. They are currently working on The Nervous System, an autotheoretical novella. Kim’s interests and areas of focus include hybrid genres, psychoanalysis, trauma and healing, astrology, subcultural and revolutionary movements, music, and somatics.